Member of the Month – Michéle Soregaroli

Michèle Soregaroli is Canada’s first Business Differentiation Coach and co-owner of Transformation Catalyst. She specializes in sustainable, competitive strategies for business owners and executives who strive to be innovative leaders in their field. She is the creator of the Business Differentiation Blueprint™, which helps clients transform how they identify and articulate their distinctive offer, create exceptional value through it, and tap into the real potential in their organization. Michèle’s work has inspired business owners to become better, contribute more, challenge existing paradigms, and live with more purpose and more meaning. She has been featured in the media and has won awards for her coaching and her Business Differentiation Blueprint™ Program, including the 2013 International Coach Federation “Coach Impact” Award.

Why did you choose your profession?
I am a Professional Coach because it provides me with opportunities to draw out individual strengths and talents, and, at the same time, support people to reach for their dreams. When I see a sparkle light up in their eye, and feel a sense of profound empowerment emanate from our clients, I get chills. Nothing brings me more joy. I am consistently inspired by people who reach beyond their perceived limits and stretch into scary challenges to pursue something deeply meaningful to them. I also have a healthy respect for entrepreneurs, and am fascinated by how businesses, communities, and individuals can intersect to leverage their unique strengths and create a more fulfilling human experience for all.

What motivates you?
A mindset of possibility, mastery, and generosity expressed through an ambitious and honourable entrepreneurial venture always inspires me. We all have so much potential and when that potential is realized by calling up our best self, creating real value for those around us, and contributing to the betterment of society, I am, without exception, extremely motivated to fan that flame!

What is your vision for success?
“You were born an original. Don’t die a copy.”
—John Mason

Describe your proudest personal or professional accomplishment.
Over the last 12 years, I have built a business with my husband, Brian Soregaroli, that has met, and in many cases exceeded, our expectations and hopes. Our business provided us the opportunity to be fully present in raising our two children. (They are now budding young adults, and I still wonder if they even know that we work!) Our work also allows us to live in full alignment with our values, meet our needs, leverage our unique strengths, and have a meaningful impact on the greater good. It gives us a platform to design an offer that both inspires us and brings significant value to our clients and network and opportunities to meet some amazing people and work with incredible clients who inspire us every day. Our business also allows Brian and I to work, play, and fully enjoy the life we have built, together, in a community of wonderful people whose relationships we value and cherish. Each of these individual accomplishments are, in and of themselves, not significant; however, as a whole, the accomplishment of having designed and built a life that continues to honour “all the really important parts,” makes me delighted with our progress to date!

Why did you become a member of Terminal City Club?
I joined because of the warmth and kindness of the TCC team. The Club has a good environment for client meetings, and the facility’s design and member functions help us meet new people. It’s also a great alternate working space.

What have you enjoyed the most about the Club so far?
We enjoy the Club member events, wine tastings, Gourmet Dinners, and pop-up events as they happen. I use the Club for business meetings, daytime breaks on the patio in the summer, hosting friends and family, and as a “home away from home.” One of these days, I may actually take advantage of the gym, too!

What are you currently reading?
I happen to love to read, and my bedside table is bulging with books right now! I have four active “reads on the go” at the moment: The Hacking of the American Mind by Robert Lustig; Dare to Lead by Brené Brown;  Meditations by Marcus Aurelius; Grain Brain by David Perlmutter, MD.

For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
This is not a “what,” but a “who.” I am most grateful for my husband, Brian. I would not be who I am today without his enduring love, support, and encouragement. If I had to choose a “what,” I would say that I am most grateful for the transformational potential available to us through the neuroplasticity of our brains!

